장애 등급 혜택 Disability Level Benefits

Let’s check disability grade benefits from 1 to 6

It refers to the grade of disability classified according to the disability evaluation criteria for the purpose of specifically interpreting the physical or mental disability rating assessment criteria and presenting standard diagnostic methods necessary for doctors to determine disabilities. Classes range from 1st to 6th grade. In the case of physical disabilities, those who have lost a part of their body are classified into grades 1 to 6, joint disorders are classified into grades 1 to 6, physical disabilities are classified into grades 1 to 16, and disabilities such as body deformation are classified into grades 5 to 6. In addition, people with brain lesions and those with visual impairments who are blind or visually impaired are classified into grades 1 to 6, respectively. In the case of the hearing impaired, those with hearing loss are classified into grades 2 to 6, and those with placid disabilities are classified into grades 3 to 5. and those with language impairment are classified as 3 or 4.

In this article, we will look at “disability level benefits from level 1 to level 6”. 장애 등급 혜택

장애 등급 혜택

Let’s check disability grade benefits from 1 to 6 좋은뉴스


How to apply?

1. Apply at the district office 6 months after the onset of the disease

2. Document preparation

All you have to do is go to the district office and get information on the necessary documents, and ask for the disability diagnosis and referral from the hospital’s rehabilitation medicine department or neurosurgeon and neurologist 6 months after the onset of the disease.

3. Confirmation of the review process

If you have an official certificate, you can check it on the homepage of the National Pension Service.

4. After determining the level of disability

When you receive the disability grade decision, call the National Pension Service to check your grade, then go to the district office to receive the disability pension application documents and 3 copies of the disability registration certificate.


5. You must apply in person for various discount benefits.



Disability level 1 to 3?

subway free

50% discount on rail fares if one guardian is included

20% discount on electricity bill, call KEPCO customer center to apply.

Nowadays, it is possible to check without visiting.


City gas rate discount


Exemption from drunk driving registration tax, automobile tax, and license tax

It is also possible to purchase lpg vehicles under 2000cc

50% discount on vehicle inspection fees

Child education support


Yeonam Ferry Passenger fare discount

50% up to level 4



From 4th to 6th grade?

Up to 50% discount on phone bills and telecommunications, 30% discount on railway bills

30% discount on vehicle inspection fees

20% discount on passenger fares for Class 5~6 Yeonam Passenger Ships



Let’s check disability grade benefits from 1 to 6


What about common benefits?

Free admission to palaces, national and public museums, and 30-40% discount on high-speed Internet rates

Passenger vehicle LPG fuel use allowed

Issuance of disabled car signs

airfare discount

TV license fee exemption

Public parking lot

Urban rail bond exemption

disabled sticker for car

50% discount on highway tolls

Health insurance fee reduction

gift tax exemption

Medical expenses support

Duty reduction on imported goods

Self-reliance fund loan


Let’s check disability grade benefits from 1 to 6

Subway, railroad, airline domestic flight, coastal passenger ship fare, public sports facility fee, etc.

In general, 50% benefits are available for grades 1 to 3, including one guardian.

You must have a welfare card in order to receive benefits.

When using the facility, show it to the manager and use it.


Let’s check disability grade benefits from 1 to 6

The picture above is a table summarizing the benefits according to water supply.

according to the information in the table

How to get maximum benefits?

Classes 1 to 3, and for classes 4 to 6, some benefits (city gas, electricity bills, children’s education expenses) may be limited.


Here is a related article:

Eligibility for the National Pension Scheme


Basic livelihood security recipient benefits


Penalty for violation of disabled parking area


Ministry of Health and Welfare Clinical Psychologist Grade 1


So far, we have looked at ‘disability level benefits from level 1 to level 6’.